
RBT- Lite is the simplified variation of RBT service without subscription and monthly fees.

The revenue increase through the stimulation of inactive subscribers.

Target audience

  • Subscribers which do not have the RBT service
  • In a broad sense, the subscribers with a low RBT service activity (“sleeping” RBT users with the only default melody for a long time).

With the activation of the RBT Lite service, subscriber gets one default melody). The daily charge for song is XX cents. Further change of song is YY cents.
The subscriber can only have one song from the catalogue.
Subscriber of the service every day gets the SMS alert about a song of the day. In order to activate a song of the day option, a subscriber only is required to send SMS or make a USSD request.
A subscriber can choose any song from the Lite catalogue which is available on the USSD, IVR or Web portals.
Here is the possible structure of the USSD portal for the RBT Lite:

  • Song of the day
  • Best songs
  • Latest fresh songs
  • Popular foreign songs
  • Popular native songs


  • Real alternative for subscribers which considering the standard RBT service tariffs overpriced;
  • Guaranteed revenue increase through the inactive subscribers stimulation;
  • Increased number of subscribers through capturing new ones;
  • Simplifying service usage understanding : The only active melody (last purchase)
  • Content delivery: There is no need for choosing (spontaneous purchase).

Arsenal Media Co. Ltd (С) 2005-2013



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