One of the most effective methods of service promotion is the additional info displaying upon a subscriber’s request for USSD command. The most popular command is check balance. This service promotion gives rise up to 0.5% in active subscribers and depends on a promoted service.
Interactive Balance is a unique service where a subscriber can activate a service within the same USSD session which gives ruse up to 1-3% in the subscribers! Such effect is possible by decreasing the keys press amount on phones.
Usually, to activate the service/buy content, indicated in the USSD tail, a subscriber needs next procedures:
- After reading text in the USSD tail, subscribers go out of the USSD.
- After preliminary memorizing the necessary requests, subscribers go to SMS menu.
- Dial a number and text-message (4 key press for SMS number and more than 2 keys for the text message).
- Send request.
Generally, there are 4 service activation phases/content buying, and up to 8-10 or more key press on phone, while the Interactive Balance demands only 3 key press on phone:
- After reading text in the USSD tail, subscribers press the Answer button.
- Choose a number for response (it means the text approval).
- Finally, subscriber press Call button (send).
It significantly enhances the service activation convenience for subscribers. On a conservative estimate, this service grants three-four times growth in sells.